Looking west towards the Main St. crossing By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 3568 times.
IAIS 602, seen looking east at the Henry St. crossing on 29-Dec-2004. The stub on the left is the old siding and CenPeCo's unloading site. By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 3574 times.
IAIS 407 tied down for Christmas in the new Walcott, IA, siding with BICB on 23-Dec-2001 By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 3503 times.
Last change: 08/19/05
Contains 7 items.
Viewed: 2330 times.
1 sub-album and 3 images in this album. |
Looking west towards the Main St. crossing
IAIS 602, seen looking east at the Henry St. crossing on 29-Dec-2004. The stub on the left is the old siding and CenPeCo's unloading site.
IAIS 407 tied down for Christmas in the new Walcott, IA, siding with BICB on 23-Dec-2001
Album: Walcott of Yesteryear