EB is just leaving South Amana, Feb. 19, 2014.
EB is just leaving South Amana, Feb. 19, 2014.
By: Andy Brown
A shot I never get tired of...
A shot I never get tired of...
By: Andy Brown
This must be some new move I'm not aware of, KLRX airslide.
This must be some new move I'm not aware of, KLRX airslide.
By: Andy Brown
WB is approaching the Wilton overpass.
WB is approaching the Wilton overpass.
By: Andy Brown
Something unusual, there were a bunch of 5-packs on the head end.
Something unusual, there were a bunch of 5-packs on the head end.
By: Andy Brown
IMG 8901
Another KLRX on the WB.
Another KLRX on the WB.
By: Andy Brown
Potash loads.
DSRCs are nothing new but I don't think I've seen these ex-UPs before.
DSRCs are nothing new but I don't think I've seen these ex-UPs before.
By: Andy Brown
With the head end stopped at the mp210 crossing and their rear end still well east of the east switch, the crew is getting instructions on where to put their train.
With the head end stopped at the mp210 crossing and their rear end still well east of the east switch, the crew is getting instructions on where to put their train.
By: Andy Brown
With instructions to cut off the lead unit and take it back to RI, the crew is running around the train to head east.
With instructions to cut off the lead unit and take it back to RI, the crew is running around the train to head east.
By: Andy Brown
Ooops, with the main line now open at Midway, Plan B is in effect, so 509 has been added back onto the head end.  This will be the last move this short time crew makes today though, and their grips are already on the ground.
Ooops, with the main line now open at Midway, Plan B is in effect, so 509 has been added back onto the head end. This will be the last move this short time crew makes today though, and their grips are already on the ground.
By: Andy Brown
A very late EB pulls into N. Star siding to get around the WB.
A very late EB pulls into N. Star siding to get around the WB.
By: Andy Brown
13 images in this album.
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  Last modified on February 18, 2014 at 20:57.