Ex-IAIS 600s to Omnitrax in Colorado
Album: IAIS News Photos navigate UP (accesskey 'U')
In January 2007, IAIS 600 and 602-604 left the roster, sold to Omnitrax in Loveland, CO. If anybody caught them on this journey, we'd be happy to add your photos here!
The Great Western in Fort Collins, CO, on Friday, 2-Feb-2007, picking up IAIS 600 and 603.  The two came in on the UP local, and will now go south to Loveland on the GWR.
The Great Western in Fort Collins, CO, on Friday, 2-Feb-2007, picking up IAIS 600 and 603. The two came in on the UP local, and will now go south to Loveland on the GWR.
By: Alan Schenkel
A better look at the two ex-IAIS GP38s on the train.
A better look at the two ex-IAIS GP38s on the train.
By: Alan Schenkel
2 images in this album.
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  Last modified on November 21, 2010 at 10:23.