Album: Fascia

Turnout control rods have been painted so that, when lined for the diverging route, red (mainline turnouts) or yellow (other turnouts) is visible, allowing operators to tell at a glance whether any turnouts in a town they're approaching are lined against them. I also added turnout names or numbers to each control knob, using white lettering on a red background to give the feel of similar indicators on prototype switchstand targets. These indicate the track name or number of the diverging route. Blue tags on switch locks indicate tracks that are locked for Mechanical (enginehouse/RIP track) use only.
By: Joe Atkinson

Album: IAIS-Based Layouts navigate UP Album: Joe Atkinson's Subdivision 4, Atlantic-Adair navigate UP Album: Construction navigate UP Album: Fascia navigate UP (accesskey 'U')
Turnout control rods have been painted so that, when lined for the diverging route, red (mainline turnouts) or yellow (other turnouts) is visible, allowing operators to tell at a glance whether any turnouts in a town they're approaching are lined against them.  I also added turnout names or numbers to each control knob, using white lettering on a red background to give the feel of similar indicators on prototype switchstand targets. These indicate the track name or number of the diverging route.  Blue tags on switch locks indicate tracks that are locked for Mechanical (enginehouse/RIP track) use only.
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  Last modified on April 26, 2010, at 11:40 PM