Album: Construction photos

I have no idea what most of the prototype components I've attempted to model in this photo are, but the model would have looked bare without them. I believe the brass wire represents the hand brake actuation cable, and the styrene arm extending out over the truck features a pully on the end to guide the cable as it passes down to the front brake cylinder of the rear truck. This was all built from styrene, wire, and a few bits and pieces from the Cannon fuel tank detail set. The frame rail itself was built from modified Evergreen 3/16" C-channel.
By: Joe Atkinson

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I have no idea what most of the prototype components I've attempted to model in this photo are, but the model would have looked bare without them.  I believe the brass wire represents the hand brake actuation cable, and the styrene arm extending out over the truck features a pully on the end to guide the cable as it passes down to the front brake cylinder of the rear truck.  This was all built from styrene, wire, and a few bits and pieces from the Cannon fuel tank detail set.  The frame rail itself was built from modified Evergreen 3/16" C-channel.
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  Last modified on April 26, 2010, at 11:40 PM