Mississippi River Bridge, Davenport, IA
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The Mississippi River Bridge, otherwise known as the Government Bridge, is a double-deck, through-truss structure owned and maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers as a link between Davenport, IA on the west, Arsenal Island (in the middle of the river), and Rock Island on the east.
The easternmost part of the main bridge over the Mississippi, showing the swing span over the locks
The easternmost part of the main bridge over the Mississippi, showing the swing span over the locks
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 3397 times.
The main section of the Government Bridge over the frozen winter waters.  Davenport is to the left of the photo.
The main section of the Government Bridge over the frozen winter waters. Davenport is to the left of the photo.
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 5055 times.
The Davenport end of the bridge, showing the concrete levee.  The bridge passes over US 67 and the IC&E (ex-Milw) tracks to the left of the shot.
The Davenport end of the bridge, showing the concrete levee. The bridge passes over US 67 and the IC&E (ex-Milw) tracks to the left of the shot.
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 4446 times.
The other half of the Government Bridge is the connection from Arsenal Island back to Rock Island, over the other half of the Mississippi.  This is looking towards the island.
The other half of the Government Bridge is the connection from Arsenal Island back to Rock Island, over the other half of the Mississippi. This is looking towards the island.
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 3511 times.
4 images in this album.
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  Last modified on August 14, 2005 at 16:14.