Walcott of Yesteryear
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Looking east along the CRI&P main at Walcott, probably in the 1920s or 1930s.  Rudy Bluedorn collection.
Looking east along the CRI&P main at Walcott, probably in the 1920s or 1930s. Rudy Bluedorn collection.
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 2899 times.
Looking east along the CRI&P main at Walcott, IA, on 1914
Looking east along the CRI&P main at Walcott, IA, on 1914
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 2732 times.
Walcott, IA in the early 1900s.
Walcott, IA in the early 1900s.
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 2666 times.
A derailment at the Main St. crossing, date unknown (probably around 1927)
A derailment at the Main St. crossing, date unknown (probably around 1927)
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 2488 times.
A derailment at the Main St. crossing, date unknown (probably around 1927)
A derailment at the Main St. crossing, date unknown (probably around 1927)
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 2349 times.
A derailment at the Main St. crossing, date unknown (probably around 1927)
A derailment at the Main St. crossing, date unknown (probably around 1927)
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 2361 times.
Rock Island 2-8-0 taking on water in Walcott, date unknown
Rock Island 2-8-0 taking on water in Walcott, date unknown
By: NDHolmes
Viewed: 2580 times.
7 images in this album.
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  Last modified on August 19, 2005 at 21:44.