A BN gon covered with netting.
A BN gon covered with netting.
By: Frank Grizel
Going under Dodge Street Bridge.
Going under Dodge Street Bridge.
By: Frank Grizel
Taking the power of the BICB.
Taking the power of the BICB.
By: Frank Grizel
Stan watches from the 154 as the power is switched into the yard.
Stan watches from the 154 as the power is switched into the yard.
By: Frank Grizel
The first trip onto the bridge.
The first trip onto the bridge.
By: Frank Grizel
The KCS units.
IAIS KCS Detour 6931
IAIS KCS Detour 6931
By: Frank Grizel
Heading west after finishing switching.
Heading west after finishing switching.
By: Frank Grizel
8 images in this album.
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  Last modified on January 17, 2014 at 08:37.