Walford to South Amana
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The "turn" nearing the top of Walford Hill.
The "turn" nearing the top of Walford Hill.
By: Buddy Burton
The "turn" nearing the top of Walford Hill.
The "turn" nearing the top of Walford Hill.
By: Buddy Burton
The "turn" at the bottom of Walford Hill.
The "turn" at the bottom of Walford Hill.
By: Buddy Burton
The "turn" entering the Amana's.
The "turn" entering the Amana's.
By: Buddy Burton
The "turn" climbing up the east wye at Yocum Connection.
The "turn" climbing up the east wye at Yocum Connection.
By: Buddy Burton
The "turn" backing the train into South Amana Yard.
The "turn" backing the train into South Amana Yard.
By: Buddy Burton
The "turn" had 73 cars with 500 and 503 for power.
The "turn" had 73 cars with 500 and 503 for power.
By: Buddy Burton
IAIS 502
IAIS 155
Sultran hopper
10 images in this album.
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  Last modified on January 17, 2014 at 08:37.