Album: 09/25/11 Progress Report

The 1/2 foam also worked well to model the raised platform at Millard Lumber. Instead of lower the track by carving into the roadbed, and possibly causing grade issues, I raised the ground. The sides and top of the loading platform will be covered with styrene or hardboard to simulate concrete, then the edges will be contoured down to the ground level. Millard will be nothing more than a photographic flat against the backdrop.
By: James McNab

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The 1/2 foam also worked well to model the raised platform at Millard Lumber.  Instead of lower the track by carving into the roadbed, and possibly causing grade issues, I raised the ground. The sides and top of the loading platform will be covered with styrene or hardboard to simulate concrete, then the edges will be contoured down to the ground level.  Millard will be nothing more than a photographic flat against the backdrop.
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  Last modified on April 26, 2010, at 11:40 PM