Yocum Connection is the new name for the wye that connects the CRANDIC's Third Subdivision (now IAIS Subdivision 3B) with the Iowa Interstate's Third Subdivision. Completed in Feb 2000, it allows both eastward and westward movements through the junction. Formerly, the junction had only a single leg, and was known as Crandic Junction. IAIS handles all trains through the junction, however, having taken over the IC-CR jobs from the CRANDIC during the summer of 2004. The junction is located just west of Homestead, IA, just across from the US-6/US-151 highway junction. Yocum Connection is named after Fred Yocum?, president of Iowa Interstate from 1991 through April 1998. The Yocum Connection Signal![]() The Yocum Connection power switch during December 2006 The signal at the switch between the east leg of the Yocum wye and the IAIS mainline is the position indicator for a radio-controlled switch. The power switch, installed in October or November 2006, allows heavy trains coming off the CRANDIC to head east to Iowa City? without stopping to hand-throw the points. The switch is only controlled by crews using the radio, and is not connected to any remote system. Also, the signal does not convey authority, but merely a visual confirmation to crews that switch is lined and locked. Crews approaching the switch key it up on the road channel and enter a sequence of touch tones corresponding to whether they want the switch to be normal or reversed.
![]() All Iowa Interstate logos and trademarks are property of Iowa Interstate Railroad, Ltd. and Railroad Development Corporation. Questions? Comments? Please email us at contact@iaisrailfans.org |
Last modified on December 21, 2010, at 09:38 PM Edit Page | Page History |