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The lighting does get a little spotty but is much less noticable in person than in pictures.  The fixtures are dual-tube but I only use one bulb to help even out the light.
The lighting does get a little spotty but is much less noticable in person than in pictures. The fixtures are dual-tube but I only use one bulb to help even out the light.
By: James McNab
DMSW (The Tramp) arrives at West Des Moines for a day of work on the Grimes Line!
DMSW (The Tramp) arrives at West Des Moines for a day of work on the Grimes Line!
By: James McNab
The view descending the basement stairs.
The view descending the basement stairs.
By: James McNab
27 images in this album on 3 pages.
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  Last modified on January 29, 2015 at 16:15.