![]() Since there are no IAIS locomotive models commercially available in any scale*, the only choice for IAIS modelers is to detail and paint their own. Thanks primarily to the efforts of Joe Atkinson, a rather prolific IAIS modeler in HO scale from Council Bluffs, IA, we're able to bring you these detailed guides on modeling IAIS locomotives. Joe lists what basic plastic models he started with, the detail differences between the units, where to get the details, and general nitpicky stuff the rest of us would otherwise miss. In the photo above, you can see part of Joe's locomotive fleet sitting on his layout - both not quite finished. If anybody else has modeled IAIS locomotives and would like to do a write-up on any of the units (including the leasers or fictional units), we're always looking for submissions. Please contact us. *Note: In 2006, Atlas offered a GP38 model factory painted for Iowa Interstate. Availability may be limited. |
![]() All Iowa Interstate logos and trademarks are property of Iowa Interstate Railroad, Ltd. and Railroad Development Corporation. Questions? Comments? Please email us at contact@iaisrailfans.org |
Last modified on November 28, 2010, at 07:08 PM Edit Page | Page History |