IAIS ACQUIRES GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY OF IOWAPosted Friday, March 24, 2006(From the official press release): Iowa Interstate Railroad (IAIS) and Great Western Railway of Iowa, LLC ("GWRIA") are announcing the sale of GWRIA. The acquisition will enable Iowa Interstate Railroad to expand its intermodal operation and create greater capacity in their Council Bluffs terminal. "We hope to close the transaction in June pending STB approval", stated Dennis Miller President of IAIS. The property is currently handling railcar storage and railcar repairs. There are also several customers on the line, including a trans-load facility and grain elevator which will be served by IAIS. The full press release is available from the real IAIS site [here]. The Great Western Railway of Iowa (CBGR) is basically the yard immediately west of the IAIS Bluffs facilities, and is currently part of the Omnitrax family. More about the switching road can be found on Omnitrax's site [here]. The STB filing for the acquisition can be found online [here], for anyone interested in reading it. - NDH |
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Last modified on November 28, 2010, at 09:24 PM |